Higher Education refers to the 16 Colleges, Universities, and Technical Colleges:

8 Universities/Colleges

  • University of Utah
  • Utah State University
  • Utah Valley University
  • Weber State University
  • Salt Lake Community College
  • Southern Utah University
  • Utah Tech University
  • Snow College

8 Technical Colleges

  • Mountainland Technical College
  • Davis Technical College
  • Ogden-Weber Technical College
  • Bridgerland Technical College
  • Dixie Technical College
  • Uintah Basin Technical College
  • Southwest Technical College
  • Tooele Technical College

Audited Financial Statements

The purpose of this dashboard is to provide a detailed picture of funds held by institutions of higher education. Each Institution's Annual Financial Report presents a 'Statement of Net Position' where 'Cash and Cash Equivalents' is reported. The Statement of Net Position, also known as a Balance sheet, presents Assets and Liabilities of the Institution.

Key Metric: 'Cash and Cash Equivalents'

  • Cash and Cash Equivalents are financial assets which consists of cash and investments with an original maturity of three months or less. They are highly liquid and include readily available cash on hand, bank deposits or investments that can easily be converted to cash without significant loss in value
  • Current Cash and Cash Equivalents are available for current operations and items that are the equivalent of cash
  • Restricted Cash and Cash Equivalents are noncurrent assets that cannot be used toward current liabilities. These assets have binding restrictions, externally imposed by creditors, grantors, contributors, laws or regulations.

Cash and Cash Equivalents Over Time - All Institutions

Cash and Cash Equivalents Over Time by Institution

This stacked bar chart shows the same data, but in a slightly different view to see the big picture at all selected institutions. The Y-Axis represents the dollar 'Amount', and the X-Axis represents corresponding fiscal year. Data is shown on the same scale for easier comparability between institutions.

University of Utah - Restricted vs Unrestricted

Compare Institutions:

Warning! The default selection does not include technical colleges, but they can be selected by using the 'Select Institution' input.

This line chart displays the trend of cash categories over time for each institution. The Y-axis represents the dollar amount, and the X-axis represents the corresponding fiscal year. The same scale is used across all institutions for easy comparison. The line color indicates the cash category selected.

Cash Flow Analysis

The primary purpose of a statement of cash flows is to provide relevant information about the cash receipts and cash payments of an entity during a period. The information a statement of cash flows provides should help financial report users in part to assess:

  • An entity’s ability to generate future net cash flows
  • It ability to meet its obligations as they come due
  • Its needs for external financing
The statement of cash flows should explain the change during the period in cash and cash equivalents regardless of whether there are restrictions on their use. The total amounts of cash and cash equivalents at the beginning and end of the period shown in the statement of cash flows should be easily traceable to similarly titled line items or subtotals shown in the statement of net position.

How to Read a Cash Flow?

The statement of cash flows is typically divided into four sections, each reflecting different categories of cash activities.

  • Operating Activities
  • Noncapital Financing Activities
  • Capital & Related Financing Activities
  • Investing Activities

The Net Increase/(Decrease) in Cash and Cash Equivalents is the sum the net inflow or outflow from each of these four sections. The Beginning Cash and Cash Equivalents plus this "Net Increase (Decrease) In Cash and Cash Equivalents results in Ending Cash and Cash Equivalents, which should agree to the "Cash and Cash Equivalents" line item(s) shown in the Statement of Net Position.

cash flow statement explainer

This section reflects the receipts or payments of an entity for providing services and producing and delivering goods. Cash flows from operating activities are generally the cash effects of transactions and other events that determine an entity’s operating income or loss.
  • Inflows - Some examples of receipts for a college and university include tuition and fees paid by students, certain grants and contracts, sales and services from housing, dining, bookstores, athletics, patients, etc.
  • Outflows - Some examples of payments for a college and university include salaries and benefits for faculty and staff, operating expenses (utilities, supplies, maintenance), certain scholarships and financial aid, and payments to vendors and suppliers.

This section includes cash flows related to financing activities other than those related to acquire, construct, or improve capital assets (e.g. buildings, land, equipment).

  • Inflows - Some examples of receipts for a college and university include state appropriations, gifts and grants, including student financial aid and federal direct loans received for students.
  • Outflows - Some examples of payments for a college and university include federal direct loans paid to students.

This section reports cash flows related to the acquisition and disposal of capital assets like land, buildings, and equipment and the financing of those assets.

  • Inflows - Some examples of receipts for a college and university include proceeds from the sale of property, plant, and equipment. Grants or donations restricted for capital projects. Proceeds from issuing debt (bonds) to finance construction.
  • Outflows - Some examples of payments for a college and university include purchase of land, buildings, and equipment (e.g., constructing a new classroom building). Principal payments on debt (e.g., paying down bonds issued to build a library). Interest payments on debt.

This section covers cash flows related to the purchase and sale of investments
  • Inflows - Some examples of receipts for a college and university include proceeds from the sale of investments (stocks, bonds, real estate, etc.). Interest and dividends received on investments.
  • Outflows - An example of a payment for a college and university includes the purchase of new investments.

Cash Flow - Single Year Analysis

Select an Institution and Fiscal Year to examine Cash Flow. The visualization and associated tables begin by showing the overall cash flow by each category, called a 'Condensed Cash Flow Statement' which gives a high level overview. The next sections provide further detail into each category.

Condensed Cash Flow Statement

A condensed statement of cash flow is a simplified version of a regular cash flow statement.

Operating Activities

This section reflects the receipts or payments of an entity for providing services and producing and delivering goods. Cash flows from operating activities are generally the cash effects of transactions and other events that determine an entity’s operating income or loss.

Noncapital Financing Activities

This section includes cash flows related to financing activities other than those related to acquire, construct, or improve capital assets (e.g. buildings, land, equipment).

Capital and Related Financing Activities

This section reports cash flows related to the acquisition and disposal of capital assets like land, buildings, and equipment and the financing of those assets.

Investing Activities

This section covers cash flows related to the purchase and sale of investments.

Cash Flow - Multiple Year

This section presents Cash Flow information over time. We encourage first-time users of this dashboard to examine the "Cash Flow - Single Year" section before examining this page (The Single Year section explains how to interpret Cash Flows and defines key terms.)

Condensed Statement of Cash Flows

Annual Financial Reports/Statements:

The filters and table use the 'legacy' names that correspond to the financial statement. For example, 'Dixie State College of Utah', and 'Utah Tech University' are all the same institution.